The Reid Hall at Braehead Manse is a modern accommodation facility located on the fantastic Orkney island of Westray.
Sticky: 2021 Opening and Covod-19 Information
The good news is we will be opening shortly for guests in the next couple of weeks. This will be around mid-May
You can already make bookings via our web site, our 3rd party booking partners and by contacting us directly.
Our facility will be following all Covid-19 regulations and guidelines. We will add more details on our web site shortly, and in the meantime, if you need more information, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us, or if you have any further questions.
Continue reading “Sticky: 2021 Opening and Covod-19 Information”
Unlocking and Accepting Guests Again
Artisan Breads
Each month, we are now selecting a different artisan bread, baked on site for breakfast for our B&B guests.